Friday 26 December 2008

Merry *belated* Christmas!

Hah! My second post in the same month! xP (I'll do the Christmas post... later lol)

+Sooo uh... Twilight! Hmmm we're gonna go see it again soon, so I'll post what I think about it then. Yush? Yush.

+Oh, the Melbourne trip! Funnn. I don't know why, but I really like the drive. Can get a little boring at times, though. "Ooh, a bird! ...There it goes. Oh, a-! ...dead Kangaroo :c" -REPEAT-. Haha nah. Me likey. OMGOMG, the Twilight convention! Duuude. My first fan convention! :D:D:D I'll just shorten it...

Nikki = Gorgeous! And so nice.

Taylor = Cool dude.

Eddi = Hilarious! Seriously.

Jess has a more... better recount of the trip xD. Here! And photo's of day 1, day 2, day 3 and day 4 c:.

Oh and the Melbourne Zoo is awesooome. And HUGE! We spent, like... 6 hours there! So cool. My poor wittle fweet, though. Owwie! I really wanted to go to the Aquarium too, though. Oh wells.

+Hmm. Jess and I have been getting Roxie out a lot more lately. She's getting pretty good with "step up". She doesn't really like me too much, though LOL. Buuut she's totally bonded to Jess. She goes all spazzy if Jess leaves the room *sigh*. I'll be all "Hello! Oi! Talk to meee! *SHUNNED*" xD. Gosh darn. I don't know why she dislikes me so much. She'll talk/sing to me, but she doesn't want me to touch her or get too close haha. Jess, on the other hand, will let her pat her! :o Just a little. Roxie will tap her with her beak if she's had enough. She'll draw blood on me, though hah. Oh wells! I don't take it personally... much (Oh! You know, Roxie's probably a HE. Read Jess's post here lollll.) Okay she's only drawn blood on me... twice? She's alright sometimes. If I have food... that she likes lol :P.

+ ANDAND... I want a Quaker heee. They're adorable! We might actually be getting one :D. Hopefully. I've been doing a lot of research and stuff on 'em (not just cooing at pictures! xD) and I've... sort of joined a forum aheh.

Alrighty, just a short one! Need to get all showered 'coz we're checking out bird shops tomorrow hehe.

Ps. New layout! It's kind of like the one I had before, just with a different banner (photo courtesy of Jess lol).


Tuesday 2 December 2008

Twiliiiiight! *Squee*

Tomorrow, zomgz! Okay, So I didn't actually squee then. But I was squeeing on the inside! xD

Uhm yeah, tomorrow! Jess, Sarah, Mum, Dad and myself are going to the Twilight screening at TTP! Yayuhhh. I hope it's not going to be TOO crazy. I'll probably want to see it again when it comes out in cinemas, which is next Thursday. When we get back from our Melbourne trip this weekend, of course :D. So excited! Speaking of Melbourne... Kellan/Emmett and Ashley/Alice aren't coming to the Twilight Convention anymore :c. Who were like, my main reasons for going in the fricken first place! Oh wells. They've been replaced with Nikki/Rosalie and Eddie/Laurent. Oh and the mysterious "third person"? Not Robert/Edward, but Taylor/Jacob :c. Oh well, it's all good...! (Edit: The venue has been changed, too. :o)

Mannn, it's been OVER a month since I updated this thing. Slack much? xD Uhhm.

+ I ALMOST had a job interview at Kmart. I sent in applications to Coles and Kmart, but only got a reply from one. I got an e-mail from Kmart saying that I had reached the next stage of the recruitment process (or something lol) and to expect a call from them within the next week to arrange an interview. Which... never ended up happening. I got ANOTHER e-mail about a week later saying that all positions had been filled. Damn them! *Shakes fist* lol. Gahhh.

+ We all went to the Zoo recently, too (Pics here, from Jess's blog!). I love it there c:. Except for all the crying, TALKING-REALLY-LOUD kiddies (dude, don't go during the weekends! :|) and people who act like retards. Like... I'M GONNA PULL FACES AT THESE STUPID MONKEYS, BANG ON THE GLASS (right next to the "do not bang glass" sign) AND MAKE THEM GO CRAZY AND SCREAM - BAHAHA I'M AWESOME ...*sigh*. I mean, really. No one else was impressed. No one would say anything, though (myself included lolll). Poor Baboons. Aaand we found out that Ellie, the last Syrian Brown Bear, had passed away recently. Awhhh. But the Greater Flamingo was looking prettyyy fine hehe. Go team!

+ We also took a trip down to that Waterfall Gully place (Moar pics here, from Jess!). We hadn't been there in aaages. We saw a couple of cute Koalas! Bawwwh, they're adorale. It's really nice down there c:.

+ I want some converse shoes! They're so cool looking. And I like all the prettyyy colours. Damm this I-need-to-save-money-no-job thing *twitchtwitch*.

Huh... I kind of am bored of this layout now, bleugh. I'll change it... whenever xD.
