Hah! My second post in the same month! xP (I'll do the Christmas post... later lol)
+Sooo uh... Twilight! Hmmm we're gonna go see it again soon, so I'll post what I think about it then. Yush? Yush.
+Oh, the Melbourne trip! Funnn. I don't know why, but I really like the drive. Can get a little boring at times, though. "Ooh, a bird! ...There it goes. Oh, a-! ...dead Kangaroo :c" -REPEAT-. Haha nah. Me likey. OMGOMG, the Twilight convention! Duuude. My first fan convention! :D:D:D I'll just shorten it...
Nikki = Gorgeous! And so nice.
Taylor = Cool dude.
Eddi = Hilarious! Seriously.
Jess has a more... better recount of the trip xD. Here! And photo's of day 1, day 2, day 3 and day 4 c:.
Oh and the Melbourne Zoo is awesooome. And HUGE! We spent, like... 6 hours there! So cool. My poor wittle fweet, though. Owwie! I really wanted to go to the Aquarium too, though. Oh wells.
+Hmm. Jess and I have been getting Roxie out a lot more lately. She's getting pretty good with "step up". She doesn't really like me too much, though LOL. Buuut she's totally bonded to Jess. She goes all spazzy if Jess leaves the room *sigh*. I'll be all "Hello! Oi! Talk to meee! *SHUNNED*" xD. Gosh darn. I don't know why she dislikes me so much. She'll talk/sing to me, but she doesn't want me to touch her or get too close haha. Jess, on the other hand, will let her pat her! :o Just a little. Roxie will tap her with her beak if she's had enough. She'll draw blood on me, though hah. Oh wells! I don't take it personally... much (Oh! You know, Roxie's probably a HE. Read Jess's post here lollll.) Okay she's only drawn blood on me... twice? She's alright sometimes. If I have food... that she likes lol :P.
+ ANDAND... I want a Quaker heee. They're adorable! We might actually be getting one :D. Hopefully. I've been doing a lot of research and stuff on 'em (not just cooing at pictures! xD) and I've... sort of joined a forum aheh.
Alrighty, just a short one! Need to get all showered 'coz we're checking out bird shops tomorrow hehe.
Ps. New layout! It's kind of like the one I had before, just with a different banner (photo courtesy of Jess lol).
Friday, 26 December 2008
Merry *belated* Christmas!
Posted by Danielle at 8:37 pm 0 comments
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
Twiliiiiight! *Squee*
Tomorrow, zomgz! Okay, So I didn't actually squee then. But I was squeeing on the inside! xD
Uhm yeah, tomorrow! Jess, Sarah, Mum, Dad and myself are going to the Twilight screening at TTP! Yayuhhh. I hope it's not going to be TOO crazy. I'll probably want to see it again when it comes out in cinemas, which is next Thursday. When we get back from our Melbourne trip this weekend, of course :D. So excited! Speaking of Melbourne... Kellan/Emmett and Ashley/Alice aren't coming to the Twilight Convention anymore :c. Who were like, my main reasons for going in the fricken first place! Oh wells. They've been replaced with Nikki/Rosalie and Eddie/Laurent. Oh and the mysterious "third person"? Not Robert/Edward, but Taylor/Jacob :c. Oh well, it's all good...! (Edit: The venue has been changed, too. :o)
Mannn, it's been OVER a month since I updated this thing. Slack much? xD Uhhm.
+ I ALMOST had a job interview at Kmart. I sent in applications to Coles and Kmart, but only got a reply from one. I got an e-mail from Kmart saying that I had reached the next stage of the recruitment process (or something lol) and to expect a call from them within the next week to arrange an interview. Which... never ended up happening. I got ANOTHER e-mail about a week later saying that all positions had been filled. Damn them! *Shakes fist* lol. Gahhh.
+ We all went to the Zoo recently, too (Pics here, from Jess's blog!). I love it there c:. Except for all the crying, TALKING-REALLY-LOUD kiddies (dude, don't go during the weekends! :|) and people who act like retards. Like... I'M GONNA PULL FACES AT THESE STUPID MONKEYS, BANG ON THE GLASS (right next to the "do not bang glass" sign) AND MAKE THEM GO CRAZY AND SCREAM - BAHAHA I'M AWESOME ...*sigh*. I mean, really. No one else was impressed. No one would say anything, though (myself included lolll). Poor Baboons. Aaand we found out that Ellie, the last Syrian Brown Bear, had passed away recently. Awhhh. But the Greater Flamingo was looking prettyyy fine hehe. Go team!
+ We also took a trip down to that Waterfall Gully place (Moar pics here, from Jess!). We hadn't been there in aaages. We saw a couple of cute Koalas! Bawwwh, they're adorale. It's really nice down there c:.
+ I want some converse shoes! They're so cool looking. And I like all the prettyyy colours. Damm this I-need-to-save-money-no-job thing *twitchtwitch*.
Huh... I kind of am bored of this layout now, bleugh. I'll change it... whenever xD.
Posted by Danielle at 6:43 pm 0 comments
Monday, 20 October 2008
New layout!
Yuuup. Is it okay? I think it looks alright. Hmm. The banner's a photo that Jess took of some flowers that Mum bought a while ago. Pretty! I can't remember the name of 'em though, lol.
Aaand... yeah. I'll get sick of this layout soon enough!
Posted by Danielle at 10:57 pm 0 comments
Dang, I keep forgetting to update this thing! Uhm... let's start with the most important, yeah? I'll try to keep it short lol.
+ OMGGGG! *Flails* We're (Mum, Jess and Myself) going to a Twilight convention at the end of the year (Dec 7th)! It's in Melbourne, though. Road triiip! <3 Aaaah! How excitiiing. I can't believe it. So far we know that Kellan (Emmett) and Ashley {Alice) are coming, but there's a *quoting fingers* 'third person' who's also coming. Holy crap, I hope it's Robert/Spunk Ransom/Edward! So awesome! And do you know what's even MORE awesome?
+ Jared and Jensen are coming to a Supernatural con next year (April 18th)! This one's in Sydney. And guess who's going too?! Yayuh! Jess, Sarah and myself have all organized to go. Well, sort of. We've bought our tickets... and yeah lol. We don't know where the venue is yet, so we can't really book a hotel or anything. Lucky it's so far away so that we can save up! Save, save, save! xD
+ And Daniel came over onnn... Friday. Fun! We just hung out and played games. We played Halo, Super Smash Brothers Brawl aaand Mario Kart. Yay! He also gave us some Pokémon (Mananpy, Deoxys, Celebi, Mew :o!). I'm on my way to finally filling up my Pokédex! :D
+ Oh and I finished Brisingr a while ago... Feh. I think it was alright. There didn't really seem to be a main story plot. Like... there were a lot of side plots just strung together *shrugs*. But I have to read the next book when it comes out, 'coz I can't leave a book series half way through once I've started! Much like the House of Night series, which no one seems to have in store these days. Dammit, I must know what happens! xP
+ Oh, oh! Fable! We bought and finished it not that long ago. Definitely a cool game. I can't wait for Fable II, it looks so awesome! Thursday, Thursday! :D
Ps. Some definite job incentives there! Job hunting... Oh, joy. But I want money! >:[.
Pps. This song is stuck in my head! I love it.
Posted by Danielle at 4:30 pm 1 comments
Monday, 29 September 2008
Birthdayyy... and some other stuffs.
+ I want to see this Anime!
It's called Vampire Knight. I've read a couple of the Manga chapters online here, and I like! Man, I wish we had high speed unlimited internet... *sigh*. That song's pretty cool, too...
+ Okay sooo... My birthday (and Jess' :P) was last Tuesday. Dude... 20? Huh. It doesn't feel like it to me! xP Besides our Xbox 360 that Mum and Dad bought for us as an early present, we got money from the relies and Sarah bought us the Transformers game :D. Oh and Mum bought us a little something else for us, because she felt bad for not giving us anything on the day lol.
Aaand our cake! (Which was supposed to be chocolate but ended up being vanilla (plain?) because the lady messed up the damn order! Haha.)
+ Oooh, lookit mah stamps! Prettyprettypretty. I was thinking that my blog needed a little colour, and I was browsing around DeviantArt at the time, so I thought... what about stamps?! :o I've linked all the stamps back to the original images on DeviantArt. All the ones that aren't linked, Jess and myself made hehe. I know, there's a lottt xD.
+ And Brisingr came out... last week? The week before? Whenever lol. We have it sitting on the shelf, but I haven't started it yet. I'll get there! Because...
+ I've dived back into the world of Pokémon! Haha. I picked up my DS (Phat :c. I really want to get a DS Lite... maybe I'll save up 'til Christmas. Hopefully they'll be cheaper! But I've heard rumours of a new DS in the works... hm) the other day when I was bored. I really want to start a new gaaame, but I'm just trying to complete my Pokédex - which I've never done before! You know, evolving, trading, breeding, all that fun stuff lol. Nah really, I think it's fun! And I traded online the other day! My first online trade. I got a Totodile and Chikorita for free! So nice of them. Only to find out that Daniel had given us two Chikorita's and Totodile's a while back (on Pokémon Box) that I'd completely forgotten about! Along with a Lugia and Ho-oh. Even more sweet xD.
+ And lol look at this game! It's called My Japanese Coach haaa. I totally want to see what it's liiiike. How cool.
+ Oh yeah, 'bout that Blockbuster job... no dice! Major suckage haha... oh wells. Not that I expected to get the job. I mean, really. I don't have any experience, and I'm not bursting at the seems with confidence and energy or anything. But it's still a little disappointing. Where the hell am I supposed to get a job then?! Gah.
+ Oh, oh! Supernatural's back on next week! YAYYY. Jess and I have downloaded the first two episodes anyway, and we were probably willing to download the rest... but whatever! We can watch it in HD now! Not a tiny YouTube video haha. :D And Heroes should be coming back on soon, so Jess and I have started watching season 1 again (and we're gonna buy season 2 soon!) because I can't remember what the heck's happened haha.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's it xD. It's not too long, right?
Yeah LOL that's it xD.
Posted by Danielle at 10:18 pm 1 comments
Saturday, 13 September 2008
Name: Danielle.
Nick Name: Uhm... I don't really have one, do I? I don't think so haha. Dan?
Birthdate: 23/9/88
Birthplace: Adelaide, South Australia..
Current Location: Craigmore.
Eye Color: Hazel.
Hair Color: Brown.
Height: 5"4'
Weight: Oh um... 50kg or something LOL I don't know.
Piercings: Both ears and navel.
Tatoos: No thanks! :P
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Newp.
Vehicle: Yellow Hyundai Accent... that I don't really drive ^^;.
Overused Phrase: "LOL" and maybe... "Son of a... (bitch!)!".
Food: Augh... Asian? And... pasta stuff haha. I love me some pasta! And... STEAK.
Pub/Disc/Restaurant: KFC...? LOL.
Candy: Too many haha. Red Skins, Fan Tales, Minties, Skittles, Chuppa Chups, those blue Sour Strap things...
Number: 7!
Color: Blue, green and pink, me thinks.
Animals: I luff all animals!
Drink: Coke... Coke... Orange juice... and COKE!
Body Part on Opposite sex: Gosh I don't know. Eyes and smile maybe?
Perfume: Hum... I'm wearing Pink Happiness right now c:. I don't really have a favourite :P.
TV Show: Supernaturalll! Oh and NCIS... Smallville and some others, too hehe. Medium? Heroes? Yeah...
Music Album: I don't really have a favourite album right now. Three Days Grace was the last CD I bought. That's a good one.
Movie: Oh jeez. X-Men, Pirates of the Caribbean, Harry Potter, Just Friends, Superman Returns, Transformers... Oh and don't forget the Disney movies! Let's not go there lol.
Actor/Actress: Oh mannn. I'll just make it easy for myself and say PADACKLES (aka Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki)!
Pepsi or Coke: Coke plz.
McDonalds or BurgerKing: Macca D's.
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate.
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: I don't mind either. Probably... Hot chocolate.
Kiss or Hug: Huggg.
Dog or Cat: Dog!
Rap or Punk: Punk.
Summer or Winter: Maybe Winter? At least it's nice to snuggle up in bed with a electric blanket then when it's OMG STINKING HOT gah.
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: Funnyyy.
Love or Money: Oh money all the way, man! ;P
Bedtime: Somewhere between 1-3am xD. Naughty me!
Most Missed Memory: Hanging out almost every day with friends.
Best physical feature: Pfft I say.
First Thought Waking Up: What time is ittt? ...Yeah bit longer... *Goes back to sleep*.
Ambition: ...Happiness? *LAME*
Best Friends: Probably Sarah and Jess... and Mum? xD IT'S TRUE OKAY.
Weakness: I'm painfully shy :c.
Fears: I don't knowww. Failure? Rejection? PUBLIC HUMILIATION? The normal stuff *shrugs* lol. Not to mention needles and heights :P.
Longest relationship: I don't know if it counts, but I had an internet boyfriend once... when that was totally in baha. I don't know how long that lasted. Long story... sort of xD. BUT THAT DOESN'T COUNT I SAY.
Cheated Your Partner: Never been in a relationship really, so no :P.
Ever been beaten up: *Looks in Jess's direction* ...no *shifty glances* xD.
Ever beaten someone up: *Looks at previous answer* LOL. I kid.
Ever Shoplifted: ALL THE TIME.
Ever Skinny Dipped: Lol no.
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: Nup.
Been Dumped Lately: Neverrr.
Favorite Eye Color: Don't have one.
Favorite Hair Color: I don't have ooone.
Short or Long: Short... ish?
Height: Taller then me, I guess?
Style: Does it really matter? xD I'm not that shallow! Haha. Not really that picky.
Looks or Personality: Personality.
Hot or Cute: Cuuute.
Muscular or Really Skinny: Muscle man, fo' sho'! No. Big muscles scare me :|. In between-ish?
What country do you want to Visit: Ohhh Caaanadaaa. And I'd love to go to Japan. And the UK.
How do you want to Die: Pain free, plz lol. In my sleep? *Shrugs*.
Been to the Mall Lately: The Mall? Haha um... I went grocery shopping the other day. WHAT FUN. Not counting groceries... last week, maybe?
Get along with your Parents: Yush.
Health Freak: *Looks at empty Coke can* Oh yeah, I'm a full on Calorie counter *nods furoisly* :P.
Do you think your Attractive: Nooo.
Believe in Yourself: *Shrugs*.
Want to go to College: Nope.
Do you Smoke: No.
Do you Drink: Nuh uh.
Shower Daily: Maybe not EVERY day... OMFG EW.
Been in Love: Noope.
Do you Sing: Maaaybe.
Want to get Married: Maybe one day.
Do you want Children: Same as above :P.
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: Don't really care.
Hate anyone: YOU. Haha no! Don't hate, man.
Ps. Jess and I both got calls for another interview at Blockbuster on Monday. Round two! Augh stress! D: *Breaths in and out slowlyyy*.
Pps. and lol check this out. It's both lame and hilarious at the same time xP (Twilight related!).
Posted by Danielle at 12:28 am 2 comments
Tuesday, 9 September 2008
Job interview? For moi?
+ Yes plz! :P. Sooo yeah. Jess and I both had job interviews today at our local Blockbuster. Augh, I was so nervous! But I know the lady who did the interview, Kerri (who's really cool, by the way xD), so it wasn't too bad haha. She told me that some people will get call backs and they'll have another interview with the other people that work there. Gahhh. We'll see :|. Oh my gosh... before the interview we had to fill in this form thingo. And it had... maths questions. Fricken what?! My poor brain lol. It was like... if someone had $50, and they bought this and this, how much change would they have? Pretty simple, yes? I THINK NOT. I was so nervous my brain was like... yup that plus that... plus... 65498451 COMPUTER SAYS NOOO Dx. *Shakes head*
+ Holy crow, it's September already?! D: That means I'm turning... 20. This month. Ewwww xD. Augh, I'm so old haha. And I've done like... jack all lolll. Blah.
+ Hummm. Oh! We got Spore last week! Fun game. I could spend ages just creating little alien dudes. And it's so prettyyy. And spaceyyy. So cool. Right now I'm in the Space stage or whatever... and... my allies keep attacking each other :\. Who am I supposed to help?! I'll end up with an enemy either way, and I don't want that :c. CAN'T EVERYONE PLAY NICE? GOD. Lol. NO, I WANT TO TAKE OVER THE UNIVERSE MUAHAHAHA...HA! :| And it's cool how you can make the planets all nicey and stuff hehe.
+ And I made this comic... thing. I wasn't really planning to, but I was scribbling and playing around with facial expressions on Photoshop... so I decided to put it together lol. It's kind of big though haha. 'coz I make the file so fricken HUUUGE and the lines so small xD. Here's page1 and page2. I did the Falcon really big too, so I couldn't fit the thing into the background ha.
+ Aaand some photos I took the other day whilst sitting outside with Brandy, because it was so nice out and all the birdies were singiiing.
That is all!
Edit: Slight layout change! :D
Posted by Danielle at 8:30 pm 0 comments
Thursday, 28 August 2008
Strange dream...
+ Sooo... I had this really epic/weird dream the other night! I only remember bits and pieces, though.
Alllrighty. It started with me walking around with a kid in my arms. Like, toddler age, maybe? I don't know. I don't know who's kid it was haha. Not mine! Let's just say it was... my little sister xD. Yeah, let's go with that lolll. Anyways, I'm in -Protect child with my life!- mode, walking around through a crowd of people... somewhere... all stealthy like. Then, as I'm looking through the crowd, every now and then there's a person... staring at me :| *Zooms in dramatically on each staring face*! I'm all "Oh noes! They've come to take her! D:" and I start walking reallyreallyreally fast! Buuut they get me, darn. Aaand somehow I know that these bad guys are... VAMPIRES haha.
So, I'm in their lair or whatever. Some room... with a window xD. Filled with vampire guys (just guys, yup :\). And for some reason, Jess and Sarah are there too LOL. Where'd they come from? Random. But they let them go, pffft. The bad!vampires take the kid and start passing her along to the boss man... Who's... bald LOL (Lex Luthor style!). OMG he has no hair, he MUST be evil! :o. Then, just as he's about to reach for her, I charge through the people/vampires and grab her! aaand... Jump through the window? Booyah! How'd I manage that? Yeah whatever lol.
So I'm running again. I think "Crap, I left my bag back there! I need a phone..." and who do I find? Terrie xD. I ask her to use her phone, and she's all "sure c: *slowly takes phone out of bag...and... swipes it with a phone card? before giving it to me*". But before I get to dial a number, I see more vampires acommin'! Dun dunnn *dashes away*.
Next I'm... in a shopping center (I think I remember super jumping on the way? Bahaha WEIRD) haha. I look through a window in a store (one of those huuuge display type ones) and I see Jess and Sarah walking past. I'm all "OMG you gais! *Bangs window*" and they look vaguely in my direction... GAH HELLO?! haha... but the bad!vampires are backkk, nuuu! I turn around and see two exits, both already blocked by two vamp dudes. They look like brothers to me. With dark hair? *Shrugs* The one on the right is huuuge and quite scary, while the one on the left is smaller framed and has a kinder face (I can't remember what they actually looked like, though :c). I walk up to the dude on the left all srs bsns! and he just... steps aside and lets me through. Whatever man, I'm out!
I'm on the run again (you'd think they'd have me by now, being vampires and all lol. You guys suck!)... running, running, RUNNING. It starts to get dark and everyone (non vampire... people) has disappeared. Then... from the left, the right... OMG I'M SURROUNDED! I'm either all "Yeah, you want some?!?!" or "Oh help me, Jebus!" can't remember. Next thing is... good!bad!vampire comes to save the dayyy! -Glee!- He helps me and the little lady escape to some place. I'm like WTF MAN, WTF and he's all -embarrassed/unsure- ...
...and then I wake up.
Aaahaha. C'mon, it was just getting good! xP WEIRD. Anyways, yeah... Just thought I'd share LOL. I'm sure there was more, but my brains all "fast forwarding memory to a more recent one" -_-.
+ Besides that RIVETING (and looong) story... nothing much has happened on my side of the world! Uhhh... went over to Sarah's place the other day. You bet we got more pics of Lucky!
Awh, he's such a spunk. We also played a bit of Halo. I think I'm getting better. Not getting totally pwned (at least, not all the time haha) must be a good sign, right? :P.
Hmmm. This layout is pretty plain. I need to add some stuff to the sides... Hm.
(Gosh, wall o' text much?!)
Posted by Danielle at 7:32 pm 1 comments
Saturday, 23 August 2008
Moar updatesss
+ Okay, so... Breaking Dawn. Hmmm. I'm not quite sure what to think lol. It was... alright? Stephenie's writing style seemed different of something. I'm not sure. I know I need to read it again to get my head around it all haha.
+ Oh yeah, Twilight (the movie) has a new release date! Now it's coming out on November 21st in America and Australia is getting it on December 11th. W00t! Only because Warner Bros. pushed the date back for the next HP movie though, which sucks a little. But I don't mind, really. I'm looking forward to Twilight more then Harry Potter... I haven't really been liking the Harry Potter movies much *shrugs*. Sorry Harry! xP
+ Oh and, speaking of things Potter, I sort of made a Hogwarts student... character lol (and some little birdies). Biiig picture. And I hate how the quality lowers when you save the image :'c.
I shall name her Laila! Go, go, Ravenclaw! xD I made a background... but when I put her with the background... fehhh. I don't like it :c. I suck at backgrounds! I sort of sketched over a photo taken of our TV while playing a Harry Potter game haha. A crappy pic, though. I just used it for the tree, mainly. I couldn't really make out much else haha.
Woah, look at that suuuper quality :P! It's the Clock Tower Courtyard. Mann, I can't shade for crap either! Aughhh lol.
+ Jess and I finished playing the Halo 3 campaign on... easy lol. Not easy! >:[ Ahh I suck haha. But still fun! I'm getting better... I think. Oh! Mum played Halo with me today! I totally let her win... *shifty glances* haha. Really! She gave up after a while 'coz she said it was too hard. Awh :P. Dad didn't want to play, though. I'll let you win! xD
+ Anyone been watching the Olympics? I have! I like watching the horse riding stuff, gymnastics, and swimming stuff mainly. Mum keeps saying that she's sick of the Olympics haha. Bawh.
+ Aaand Assassins Creed! Another one of the games that came with our Xbox 360 deal thingo. Awesome game! Alright... it's a little repetitive, but fun! A little frustrating, too haha. I'll be running, running, running! and he'll run up the closest wall, grab onto the window ledge... and then just hang there. Which leads to me being all "OMG U R SO RETARDED!!1 *thrashes buttons*" lolol. At first I was like... I don't want to kill people :c. But I can't help but laugh when there's a soldier dude on the roof, and he's like "You're not supposed to-" and then I "*Ditch throwing knife at you!1*" and then he's all "*choke-gurgle-cough*" Baha take that! Feel my wrathhh!... yeah. I love the little things that people say, too. "Curse him! Curse him! Curse the English King and his army of infidels!" or something. And, whilst I'm (Altair, whatever xP) climbing up a wall someone (a soldier?) might say something like "wouldn't it be funny if he hurt himself?". And Soldiers "Where did he go?" which is immediately followed by "There he is!". I don't know why that makes me laugh haha. "He's an assassin! Get him!" "He's getting better and better at slipping away" lollll. Altair says a lot of cool stuff as well. I'm trying to find a site with quotes... but I can't :\. I did find this though LOL *wipes eyes* funnyyy.
Hrm... I still need to change my layout a bit. Later, later!
Peace and safety, brother! :P
Posted by Danielle at 9:12 pm 0 comments
Tuesday, 5 August 2008
New layout for now, and....
wow haha... that was a long post last time! And I typed that pretty quick just to get it over with xP.
Alrighty, a new layout! This is just a quick fix so that I could figure out what the heck I was doing haha. I just need to change the header and some of the colours and stuff... hmm. But I almost gave up on blogger! I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong with the header among other things :\. Sooo I found this website called Blogger Buster, which was really, really helpful c:.
Oh! We got Breaking Dawn yesterday! Yaaay. When we first got to the Angus and Robertson bookstore at Munno Para (around 12:30pm), the lady there said that she hadn't received any copies of the book yet (she'd just gotten of the phone while we were waiting, talking to someone who was asking about the book too lolll). So we went to the Post Office, flicked through one of the phone books and found the number for the A&R at Elizabeth. No dice. The person there said that all the copies they had were given to people who had pre-ordered the book. Dang! xD Sooo we went for a little drive down to the A&R at Gawler. Nada :c. The woman working there said she wasn't sure what was going on and that a lot of their stores hadn't got their orders in yet. After all that, we went back to Munno Para again and asked the lady there (who serisouly reminded me of one of my primary school teachers. Related much? Hmm) to hold two copies of Breaking Dawn for us. She took Mum's name and number and said she'd call us as soon as the books came in. At around 3:30pm she called and said the books had arrived. Huzzah! We left soon after she called to pick them up. They had a pile of books to the side which were for people who had pre-ordered, and a teeeny pile left over to sell haha. I guess they under estimated the demand for Breaking Dawn :P.
The End!
Aaand... guess what Jess and I got on the weekend? I feel kind of bad about it lol. So, Sunday afternoon we were all set to go to the movies to see The Dark Knight (which was pretty good, by the way. Cool movie. A bit long, though). Since we were going to Elizabeth anyways, I thought it'd be a good idea to mooch around the shops, just to see what different stores had the Xbox 360 going for, before the movies. Jess and I had the money and everything organised for when we did decide to buy oneee. But Dad offered to get Jess and I the Xbox 360 (Elite :o) as an early birthday present, as they said they were going to get us a PS3 anyways. That I wasn't expecting xD. Man, I feel like such a spoilt brat lol. Well, I can brush up on my (non-existing) Halo skills now!
I'm gonna go back to reading BD now, which I'm about halfway through. Maybe I should eat first... Must. Finish. Book!
Posted by Danielle at 1:54 pm 0 comments
Saturday, 2 August 2008
...a month?
Dude, update tiiime.
+ Jess and I bought some games a while ago. We got Cooking Mama, Super Smash Brothers Brawl, and The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Cooking Mama is definitely entertaining haha. Cute game. And SSBB is so fun to play with friends! I love iiit. Doesn't mean I'm any good at it, though xD. And Twilight Princess... dude, that game rocks! Gah, I love it so muuuch. I love how it's so ummm... interactive? Is that the right word? xP I like riding around on Epona and how you get all these different tools or whatever to use... and the different armour... and how it goes day/night... and the battle system thingo! *Swings Wii remote around* lol. And it's awesome how Link turns into a wolf! Hahhh <3.
+ Oh yeah, Odin Sphere went back to Blockbuster without me finishing it :c. I just couldn't do iiit. I got right to the end... and I got to the second boss... and I couldn't beat him! Augghh. I got so frustrated, let me tell you! Lol. Sooo I said "screw you, game!" and sent it back. I guess I can just hire it some other time and start the stories again so I can get everyone leveled up some more *nods*.
+ I Finally went through Deviant Art today! I had 800+ messages... which I deleted. Can't be stuffed reading allll those journals lol. I started going through my deviations, then the internet started being stupid *shakes fist in modems general direction*. There's about 2000+ deviations right now haha. I'll get there eventually...
+ Oh and Jess and I went to Sarah's the other day and we brought the camera to take some pictures of Lucky, which we haven't done for a while. Gawsh, he's getting big(er)! Such a silly boy haha. Here!
Bawh. Aaand we played some Halo! Cool game. I still suck, though xD. Darn it! We went over to Sarah's place again today and played some more Halo, too :D. Jess and I bought a Xbox controller so we could play with three players. We'd have to buy another controller eventually! You know, when we get our Xbox... *cough* :P.
+ Speaking of... I want an Xbox 360! I was looking at all these games that are coming out, too. I don't want it just for Halo, nerrr! I've always wanted to get an xbox, though hehe. There's Tales of Vesperia coming out, that looks nice. And The Last Remnant and Infinite Undiscovery, they look prettyyy. Oh and Fable II! I haven't played the first one... but I want to! :P And not to mention FFXIII. Le sighhh.
+ AvCon got the flick this year lol. I'm sorryyy. I saw the timetable and I was just like, fehhh. Plus Shin Tokyo was having a STORE WIDE!!! sale, so we went to Rundle Mall instead. I didn't end up buying anything, though xD.
+ I've been thinking about volunteering at the Animal Welfare! I just think it'd be a cool thing to do c:. Plus I'd like to do stuff with animals! And it'd be a good way for me to get experience and skills and stuff, which I don't have and seriously need lol. The only thing is... it's a liiittle bit far away. And I'm not sure how to get there :\. Take the train - bus - bus - bus ect? Hmmm.
+ We got a new bird bath a whiles ago, too! Isn't that exciting?! *Nods furiously*
+ Hrm... I want a new layouttt. I tried uploading a new one, but I don't want it to delete my widgets :\. It won't delete my posts, will it? I guess I could just re-add my widgets. I tried to change my header but it won't let meee. Grr.
Posted by Danielle at 11:52 pm 2 comments
Sunday, 29 June 2008
The latest...
-Lol at title-
+ We went to Warrawong yesterday. It's pretty nice down there! Very quiet. And it has no entrance fee! xP As per usual, Jess has awesome pics here on her blog! Prettyprettypretty c:. Oh and we checked out this shopping center, or Village... whatever it was called, afterwards and the Dymocks bookshop there had a Breaking Dawn (and Brisingr) poster on it's window! Two! :o So happyyy lol.
+ I've been playing this game called Odin Sphere a lot lately! On Wednesday Mum and I went to Blockbuster and I was looking at the games when I saw it hehe. I just wanted a game to play to keep me busy because of the amount of internet that has already been used so far haha. It's a cool game. Gets a bit frustrating at times, but the story is good and the it's very pretty looking. I'm thinking about buying it... hmm.
+ Zomg, Robert Patterson sings! Check out his Myspace. He sounds so different! I would have never of guessed that it was him. Wowww.
+ Jess and I are in separate rooms now! I'm in the cosy room and Jess is in the bigger one :P. I love my little room! xD I've still got some things on the floor 'cos I need more cupboard space lol. Mum and Dad have clothers in theeere. I'll have to put a picture up sometime... when it's more tidy.
+ Since changing rooms we've gotten rid of a lot of crap haha. I found a really old picture of Roxie on a floppy disc. Bawh! She looked so different then. We've been getting her out a lot lately, too.
Here's before and after:
+ Aaand...
My hair cut! It looks pretty much the same, just shorter and a smidge darker. Lol my pictures always look the same xD.
+ Oh! AVCon is next month! I'm so there! :D I was checking out the website and I found out that they're doing a Lolita competition! Sooo then I started looking through all these Lolita dresses. So cute! :D I waaant. I mean, not really... I do, but I'm not sure that I'd actually buy one. And when would I wear it? They're not exactly cheap! Oh wells, I still love them :P. Now I shall spam my post with more pictures!
Uhm, I think that's alllll lol.
Posted by Danielle at 11:03 pm 0 comments
Thursday, 12 June 2008
Michael Bublé...
...is awesome! For serious. Mom, Dan, Jess and myself saw him in concert on Monday night. Gah, he was awesooome. Such a funny, cheeky guy. And he's such a good entertainer. I had so much fun! :D This was only my second concert (first was Anthony Callea) and I must say I had a much better time lol. I mean... Anthony's a great singer and everything, but the venue was much, much better for Michael. And the crowd was a bit more... older? Haha. There were a few "Marry me, Michael!"'s but I could actually hear what he was saying lol. Yay! And the support act, Naturally Seven were... wow. Check 'em out on youtube! We got one of their CD's, but I think they sound a lot better live c:. Jess has some pictures on her blog (as usual I'm too lazy to put them here lol).
Uhm, what else?
Oh on Saturday Jess and myself went over to Sarah's place and hung out with her and Terrie. Haven't seen Terrie in a while, so it was pretty good to catch up with her. Aaand the family (you know, Jess... Mum and Dad lol) went over to Jo and Jezza's place for a BBQ (they're old friends from when we were up in Malaysia). That was nice, too c:.
Oh, oh! The MTV Awards! They showed a 'scene' (pfft. More like parts of a scene cut together) from the Twilight movie during the Pre Show. That was pretty cool.
Heee :D (I have a few (tiny!)... issues? with it but I won't bitch/whine/complain about it here :P).
Aaand I got my hair cut and dyed on Tuesday. Finally lol. I'll put up a picture when I take a good one haha.
Man... tomorrow Jess and I are going to renew our Learners Permit. Yes, I'm almost 20 (*shudder*) and I haven't got my license (or a job for that matter. I know I have an application for Foodland somewhere...). Bah! I don't really like driving... and it's not like I really go anywhere, anyways. Plus the cost of petrol these days... meh. :P
Narnia this weekend! Yesss. I've been wanting to see that for a while hehe. Yay!
Posted by Danielle at 6:29 pm 0 comments
Monday, 26 May 2008
*Flails* Breaking Dawn first chapter leakage!
That's right! Lol. Someone (or more then one? Probably more then one person...) got an early copy of the special edition of Eclipse (coming out this Saturday in the states. And apparently us Aussies are getting it the same time Breaking Dawn comes out. what's the point?! *sighs*) and typed the first chapter of Breaking Dawn up. There are pictures of the book online too (like someone held the book open in front of their web cam and took pictures lol), so I'm pretty sure it's real. Pretty, pretty sure. And they put pictures of the BD cover up too, which looks cool. Not sure what it means though, we shall see! So yeah, interestiiing. Oh and I mean no disrespect to Stephenie Meyer by 'stealing' the chapter online! I was hoping someone was going to type the chapter up because I didn't really want to buy another copy of a book I already have :\. Yeah... Augh, is it August 4th yet?! *Looks at time* :'c.
I'm really bored right now, so prepare for some ramblings on!
Oh! A while a go myself, Jess and Mum were talking about "really expensive things that we don't need" when Jess and I suggested a PS3 and HD TV (of course!) lol. Mum must've told Dad or something, because the next thing I know we're all mooching around Harvey Norman looking at TV's! That I did not expect haha. They got us a LCD.... one. LG, whatever. I don't know what it is LOL. It's very nice (but there's two dead pixels, augh! One's not so noticeable, while the other... is. It's like, green all the time. I mean.. I'm not complaining! It's awesome. Is there something you can do to fix them...?). Thanks Mum and Dad! xP Jess and I watched Beauty and the Beast on it last night hehe (It wouldn't play on the PlayStation for some reason, though. Dad had already plugged the LapTop into the TV so we played it off that *nods*. Why do I keep talking/typing in brackets?). Yey!
Oh yeah! Mum and Dad said they would get Jess and I a PS3 for our birthday or Christmas. What the? I thought we had "enough of those"? I was like "Hmmm. They're a bit pricey..." but they're all "It's okay c:". Watching those Blue-Ray movies at Harvey Norman must have changed their minds haha. I don't knowww. I don't want them to spend so much money on usss *feels bad*. And I thought Mum wants to give us reason to get out of the house lol. *Shrugs*
Oh, Prince Caspian's coming out next Thursday, right? I want to see that. I need to watch the first Narnia movie to refresh my memory. Aaand I'm thinking about getting Three Days Grace's new album. I really like Never Too Late and I've read pretty good reviews about it on Amazon! :P Yeup.
Nyehhh, I'm boreddd. And the internet's going really slowww. And I need a new game or book... *strums fingers on desk*.
Oh and I drew this a little whiles ago:
Yup, I was bored. Much like right now! xD I'm definitely not an artist or anything, I have no idea what I'm doing lol. It just relieves me of my boredom from time to time xP. Hmmm I wanted to make it day time and sunnyyy. Then I could make her (whoever she is) all shiny and vamptastic! ...But I couldn't figure out how I wanted to make her sparkle so I just made it... twilight? Haha. I haven't uploaded it onto my DeviantArt account, though. I haven't been there in ages! I've got like *checks* 622 deviations and 200 messages... dude! But DeviantArt takes a chunk out of our bandwidth, dammit. Precious 4gig, yes, yes!
*Rubs jaw*. Omg so, get this. Get this. I was out, you know, doing my thing, right? Minding my own business, when some skank face come up to me all "move, bitch!" and punches me in the jaw! Mofo! LOL just kidding. I just wanted to say skank face lolol (random?!). Nawh, what really happened was Mum was cutting (well, trying too) Brandy's nails... and she was sitting there all nicey (I made sure to sit a bit away from her 'coz she tends to flick her head up into your face when she's upset or whatever... but apparently I didn't sit far away enough :c) when all of a sudden she JUMPS and smacks her friggen 2inch skull into my jaw! Owwie! Didn't seem to bother her, though. Stupid dog. Thanks, Brandy *shakes head*. You better be sleeping with one eye open tonight! *Shakes fist at her from across the room*. Bawhhh *goes to give her kisses* lol.
Oh, oh! Mum got a bread maker the other day! And guess what we made? Donutsss! Mmmm! Yummy, yummy hehe. I love cinnamon donuts! :D
Uhm yeah... I think this is long enough haha.
Posted by Danielle at 7:02 pm 2 comments
Saturday, 24 May 2008
Twilight series summary?
Someone posted this on the IMDb boards, which was apparently originally posted on ONTD or something. Watch out for spoilers if you haven't read the books (I don't think anyone really reads this anyway lol)!
BELLA: No, Edward, you don't understand. I love you more.
EDWARD: Impossible... *gentle kisses*
BELLA: *is an idiot*
EDWARD: *soft laughter* Oh you are so precious to me...
BELLA: I want to be a vampire. Make me a vampire. DO IT.
EDWARD: *pain in his eyes* *pushes her away* I couldn't possibly...
BELLA: I'm not ready yet either. *cuddles*
EDWARD: *knowing chuckle* Oh Bella......
JACOB: Hey, Bella. Dammit, I'm hot as *beep*, huge, half-naked and fun--and I'm totally in love with you and it ain't gonna change and pleeeease let me touch and kiss you and rock your world! COME OOONNNN!!! *whines* *begs* *grinds*
EDWARD: *growls* Insolent dog...
BELLA: Go away, stupid Jacob! I belong to Edward!
JACOB: COME ONNN!!!! NNNGGGHH!!! *greases himself up* *humpa humpa humpa* YOU KNOW YOU WANT IT!!! XXXB
BELLA: Oh, my Jacob...
EDWARD: *coldly* I won't force you, Bella. If it's what your heart wants...
BELLA: *wants Jacob* I want YOU, Edward! *clings*
BELLA: *does all the *beep* housework*
CHARLIE: *lays on the couch* *watches football* You know that Jacob kid would make one hell of a son in law!
BELLA: *rolls eyes* Dad, I'm with Edward.
CHARLIE: *scowls* >:(
[ REPEAT 10,000 TIMES ]
BELLA: Let's *beep* let's *beep* let's *beep*, Edward DO ME Edward PLEASE
EDWARD: *tries to keep it together* I... am... trying... not... to... kill... you... *strains*
EDWARD: Wait---*whisks her away to the most romantic setting on the planet so everything is perfect*---OKAY NOW. Now we can do it.
Baaahahaha. Don't get me wrong, I love Twilight, but that's so (pretty much) true xD. Hilarious!
Now go read Twilight if you haven't already! Lol.
Posted by Danielle at 12:13 am 0 comments
Thursday, 22 May 2008
Cute kitties!... and FFXII
Well, I'd just finished doing my rounds on the forum, and one of the last threads I'd visited was the Pets! thread. Some people had just posted some cute pics of their cats and I was all "awh, I want a kitteh!" and looked up cat breeds on Wikipedia. From the list of cat breeds on there, these ones were the ones I like the most (Oh dude, I wanted to actually put the pictures up here, but they aren't all the same size, and they weren't lining up right, and my OCD couldn't handle it, augh! I could've saved them onto the computer, resized them in photoshop and then uploaded them onto Photobucket... but that would've taken too long lol. So, I'll just put one pic up and link to a few others hehe):
(Pic 2, 3, 4)
American Bobtail:
(Pic 2)
(Pic 2, 3)
(Pic 2 , 3)
(Pic 2, 3)
(Pic 2, 3)
(Pic 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
(Pic 2, 3)
(Pic 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
(Gosh, that took longer then I thought. Yes, I was very bored when I started this and, gosh darnit, I hope all the links are right/work! Not that anyone really cares haha. And I should be in bed but I have to finish this off first...)
GAH, so cuuuute!
There was probably more... but that'll do, yes? xD
Dog breeds next! But gosh, there's a lot, a lot! on Wiki's list of dog breeds... Uhm, maybe later?
Ps. Puh, FFXII is getting a bit... meh. The story, I mean. I need more character interaction, dag nabbit! Gimme cut scenes! They could do so much more with the characters, man. My favourite character would have to be... Balthier? Yush, he's awesome. And Larsa's cute, in a non-phedophile-y way. It's 'coz he's tiny and it's like "go, little man!" haha he rocks. Fran's pretty cool, too. But yeah, the game's pretty good. The graphics are awesooome. But there's a serious lack of FMV's :'c. And I don't really like that the characters are sort of painty looking in game, but in the FMV's they're like... rubbery? LOL I don't know. And the story's... alright. FFX is betterrrr. Oh yes I did! :P Oh wells, I'll stop complaining now. IT'S A VERY GOOD GAME. I think Jess is nearly at the end of the game now. Next? (Edit: Apparently they saved all the cut scenes and FMV's until the end lol. Well, better late then never? xP)
'Night, 'night!
Posted by Danielle at 12:51 am 0 comments
Thursday, 15 May 2008
...rocks! Srsly. Go see iiiit. I saw it last weekend with Mum, Dad and Jess, and saw it again today with Mum and Jess (Dad: "What? Again?!). Yeah. It was pretty awesome hehe. And we sat through the credits the second time to see the bit at the end. W00t!
Aaand I finished The Fire Within books on the weekend (gah, it got a little confusing in some parts. I'm still a little confused right now! Haha. I'm gonna have to read them again... later) only to find out that there's going to be another book to add to the series. Hrrr! Lol. Another pretty cool series, yeah.
Now I don't know what to readdd. Well, I've go to look forward to:
Twilight saga: Breaking Dawn - August 4, 2008
Vampire Academy series: Shadow Kiss - November 13, 2008
The Fire Within series: Dark Fire - 2009?
House of Night series: Untamed - September 30, 2008
Inheritance Cycle: Brisingr - September 20, 2008
Yesss. I like my listsss lol. In order of preference, of course! xP. -Bored-
Hummm. OH, more piccu's of Lucky! Hung out at Sarah's on Monday. He's grown a fair bit since the last time we've seen him! You can definitely see it in his face, his too long legs and his feet hehe. Well, I can lol. And whoa, man! He seems even more energised then before (it cannot beee)!
Baw, what a cutie! c:
Posted by Danielle at 7:46 pm 0 comments
Tuesday, 6 May 2008
Holy Crow!
*Flails* ZOMGOMGOMGOMG! ...That's all I have to say about that lol. (Edit oooh I kind of like this version of the trailer better, with the nicey music c:)
Okaaay. Now that that's over with... xD. Uhm. Oh! On Tuesday we got The Host! :D I finished it on Friday, which was the day the books I ordered from Amazon came (House of Night book3 (Chosen), Vampire Academy book 1 & 2 (Frost Bite)). Sooo yeah, I've just been doing a lot of reading lately. Mainly while watching Jess play FFXII hehe. The Host was cool! Maybe a bit slow in the beginning, but I guess it's necessary for build up and everything. Chosen wasss alright. I really like the Vampire Academy books though. I can't wait for the next one to come out! Next to read is... The Fire Within. I saw it at K-Mart and was all "Hey! I read this at school!" and Mum's just like "I'll get it for you c:" (or something along those lines lol). She's all for me reading! Haha. There's like, four books in the series *nods*.
Oh and I took this picture of Missy the other day, but I had to use the option on the camera where it takes the picture really quick, otherwise she'd just be a blur lol. Yeah, so the picture was a bit dark and I just played around with it a bit on PhotoShop hehe. It's still a bit dark and ew, but she's so cuuute!
Aaaand some more.
Posted by Danielle at 5:20 pm 0 comments
Friday, 18 April 2008
Update tiemz.
Alrighty! Uhm, I haven't updated in a while. Sooo...
Sarah moved into her own place with Greg (last weekend?) so Jess and I have been hanging out at her place a couple of times this week. Their place is pretty close, which is cool c:. And she got a puppy! Well, her boyfriend did lol. They named him Lucky. Jess has some uploaded some adorable pics and put them on her blog! Teehee, he's so cute. A little rascal, though! As most puppies usually are haha. I can't really remember what Missy and Brandy were like when they were little, though xP.
And Jess, Sarah and myself saw Step up 2 last week (I think) with Sarah. That was pretty good. Aaand Jess and I went to see Prom Night with Mum on Tuesday. It was... alright? Not really scary lol. Kellan was in it, though (barely)... so that's a plus! Hehe.
Oh. I ordered the first two Vampire Academy books and the third House of Night novel from Amazon a while ago. The should be coming sometime at the end of the month. Yay!
And we finally finished watching all the Smallville seasons. It only took us... how long? Lol. It's so awesome that 10HQ are airing the new episodes now, just as we were about to finish haha. Jess downloaded the first three episodes online a while ago, but we'd wait until our bandwidth would run out before downloading anything big.
Oh yeah! Speaking of our internet, guess what?! We got a letter from out internet provider (Virgin Broadband) a while ago all -WE NEED TO TALK- because apparently we are using too much bandwidth and that we're slowing down the system for everyone else. Also, if we didn't cut our usage down, they'd cut us off *gulp*. We get about 4gig a month and the agreement was that when we use it up the internet speed would throttle down, but we can still download. But now it's changed (without informing us) and they'd like us to keep it under 6 gig (we've used about 7-8 gig a couple of times lol. My bad!). The dude on the phone that Dad was talking to said that some people had used about 30 gig. 30! Friggen what?! Dude lol. And I felt bad for using as much as we have *shakes head*. The guy was like "have they been downloading movies?" and Dad, of course, said "no", which is totally true (more recently, anways. Besides those Smallville eps! ...and that Supernatural episode. "I'm Batman" xD Or was there another one...?). We haven't been downloading movies, just tiny, tiny Twilight related videos hehe. Which are sososo awesome! *Sigh* I can't wait for this movie.
Speaking of things related to Twilight, the release date for Breaking Dawn in Australia, New Zealand and the UK has been pushed to August 4th, instead of August 2nd... wait, what? Nonono! *Sobsob* Lol. Dammit. I'll have to stay away from the internet! Or just any Twilight sites. That means no movie updates, even! *Pout*. Damn themmm. Oh and another thing! Jess and I finally found some Apple jewelery (for Twilight, FYI lol)! Apple earrings, yayz.
Huh. Well, I think that's pretty much it haha.
Posted by Danielle at 9:35 pm 0 comments
Saturday, 29 March 2008
Zoo... Again!
Hmmm. Oh yeah, I picked up my glasses yesterday! They're quite nice xP. It's gonna take me a while to get used to them again. I can see so much better now, though! I'm all "Hey! I can see that person's face over there! :o", "Omg! I can see the top of the trees!" and "I can watch Smallville in the lounge now without having to sit with my face against the screen! Awesome!" xD. They're tinted, too *nodnod*. They're also D&G lol. I took a quick picture (eugh) before going to the shops this afternoon, heh.
*Gasps* Maaan, I'm getting even more excited for the Twilight movie! We're getting pictures and set stories from extras and people that are able to visit the set. Everything sounds so awesome so far. Heee! :D I joined a small Twilight Forum, too. The Imdb boards were getting a bit crazy for me! And it's easier to get around and find updates c:. It's much more calmer there, too hehe.
Uhm... what else? *Taps chin* I don't know lol. How boring! xD
Posted by Danielle at 4:42 pm 0 comments
Sunday, 16 March 2008
Twilight Survey!
Stolen from Jess!
Which book in the series is your favorite?
Hmmm I think... Eclipse. Gotta love the Edward vs. Jacob-ness! xD
How long did it take you to read the books?
Uhhh let's see if I can remember... maybe like, four days or something?
Who introduced you to the books?
Saw something on the news about it :P.
Did you buy them, borrow them, or have them given to you as a gift?
Mum bought them c:.
Are you most looking forward to: Breaking Dawn, Midnight Sun, or the movie?
Augh! Uhm... Gah I dunno. Maybe Breaking Dawn or the movie?
What's your dream ending to the series?
I dunno... Jacob imprinting on someone, Bella becoming a vampire and marrying Edward! Hope so. <-- What Jess said lol.
Who is your favorite character?
Bella, Edward, Jacob, Alice... <-- *nods*
Who's your favorite vampire?
Awh, man. Maybe Alice? Or Edward, of course :P.
Who is your favorite werewolf?
Jacob, duh! I don't see why so many people don't like him. Poor Jake. :c <-- Yush.
What's one of your favorite quotes from the stories?
Let's seeee... One of my favourites is "I was just wondering why you stabbed him. Not that I object." lol.
What was your favorite Bella and Edward moment?
Psh there's too many haha. The meadow scene was kind of cute, though :P.
What was your favorite Bella and Jacob moment?
Nyeh, too many. One that comes to mind right now is when Jacob is trying to tell Bella that he's a werewolf xD.
How about your favorite Bella and Alice moment?
That one hostage weekend. Lol. Alice rocks! <-- Yeah that one too, probably. Or when they're going to save Edward. Porsche 911 turbo, anyone? Haha.
What was your favorite adventure/battle?
The one with Riley/Seth/Edward/Victora. It was so awesome, seeing (reading about?) Edward fighting! <-- Yupyup!
Which book cover was your favorite?
The Twilight cover.
Are these books among your favorite books of all?
Yes! I haven't read many books...they're ranked alongside Harry Potter as my favourite book series. n___n <-- *nods*.
This or That?
Twilight or New Moon?
New Moon or Eclipse?
Eclipse or Twilight?
Hmm...Eclipse. Just. <-- Dammit, stop thinking the same as me, Jess! Lol.
Are you more excited about Breaking Dawn or Midnight Sun?
Hmmm both, yeah. I can't decide! xD
Midnight Sun or the Twilight Movie?
Midnight Sun?
The Twilight Movie or Breaking Dawn?
...Both? Lol.
Who do you want to see Bella with most: Edward or Jacob?
Edward! They're ment to beeee. Haha. Sorry, Jake! <-- Yeah I'll have to agree with that one.
Who do you like more?
Bella or Edward?
Maaaybe Edward. Gotta love a hot, selfless, gentleman! xD
Bella or Jacob?
Bella or Alice?
Alice or Edward?
They're tied lol.
Alice or Jacob?
Alice, I guess.
Rosalie or Alice?
Jasper or Alice?
Jasper or Edward?
Carlisle or Esme?
Emmett or Jasper?
Emmett or Jacob?
Awh, man! Both are awesome. Maybe Jacob?
Bella or Rosalie?
Esme or Charlie?
Ummm Esme?
Charlie or Carlisle?
Charlie or Billy?
Jacob or Sam?
Sam or Quil?
Same? Wtf I don't know. <-- Yeah haha.
Quil or Embry?
Embry, I guess?
Who's the better villain: James or Victoria?
They're equally as eeevil. <-- Mhmm!
Werewolves or Vampires?
*Waves Team Switzerland flag*.
Movie Stuff:
How did you first find out about the movie?
I think it was mentioned on TV, when they were talking about the book series.
Are you excited?
Yep! Rob Pattinson, ladies! xD Love him. <--Indeed!
What do you think of the casting so far?
Perfectly happy with them all - though I have a few tiny issues with Jackson (Jasper) and Nikki (Rosalie). <-- Yeah...
Are you going to go see it?
Of course! Come to think of it, I need to make a Twilight shirt... <-- Hell yes! I want to make a Twilight shirt. Jess got these two shirts to wear together a while ago (one was green, the other yellow, right? Worn as layers), and I wanted to get the same ones but red and black... then get "Twilight I'm with the vampires" embroided on the black one worn over the top of the red one. Sooo we went to back JayJays. They had them in black, but not red *crushed* haha. We haven't really looked since then xP.
Planning on going with anyone in particular?
Well Sarah jumped and said we're going with her, but the more the merrier! I'll be nitpicking throughout the whole movie though, I won't shut up. xD <-- Mmm lol.
Do you think it will stay true to the book?
I read through the script sides and they actually seem pretty close to the book, so I'm really happy about that. But I thought I read something about Edward telling Bella he's a Vampire. Just. No. That's now how it goes! And somewhere in it Bella makes a joke with the Cullens and Edward and the rest laugh about it. That kinda annoyed me a liiittle. 'Coz if I remember rightly Edward didn't find any of her Vampire jokes funny, lol. I dunno... <-- Yeah... though I know that the side scripts aren't 100%, right?
Breaking Dawn Speculation:
Are you planning on buying this book as soon as it's out?
Friggin' yes!
Do you think Bella will be turned into a vampire finally?
I bloody well hope so, lol. Must. Have. Happy. Ending. <-- *Nods furiously*.
Do you think she and Edward will get married?
Hmmm I hope so. Or will they...?
Do you think Jacob might imprint in this book? He better! Poor Jake got the short end of the stick, I hope he finds someone. :) <-- Yeahhh poor Jakey.
Who do you think Bella will end up with : Edward or Jacob?
Do you think it will be a happy, sad, or shocking ending?
Who do you think will be the villain(s) of the book this time?
I dunno...the Volturi, maybe? I don't want a Cullen/Werewolf war. :( <-- Agreed. I've heard people say something about the coven from Denali... that might be interesting.
How would you feel about a possible vampire / werewolf cross?
Haha that would be kind of weird. Can werewolves be turned, I wonder...?
Will Charlie find out Edward is a vampire?
Will the vampires and werewolves continue the truce they had in Eclipse?
I dunno. They said that the Cullens aren't allowed on their land... but it's okay when Carlisle's there to look after Jake? Gah you can't pick and choose, guys :P.
If anyone, who do you think will die in this book?
Nobody, dammit! Well, apart from the bad guys. And not Jake! *looks at previous Twilighter's answer* If he does, I'll cry! LOL I dunno. He better not! <-- Uh-huh. AWWW! Someone wanted Jacob to die...? *Blinks*.
For a twist: what would you think if Edward was somehow turned human? Uhmmm? I dunno. That... no lol.
Do you think Jacob will be over Bella by the end of the book? I don't know. I hope he moves on. Dammit Jake better get a happy ending! <-- Mhmm.
What do you most want to happen in Breaking Dawn?
Happy endiiing... and I want Bella to be turned!
(A Few Last Things:)
In which book did you like Bella's character best?
Gah I dunno lol.
How about Edward's?
All of them. Well I didn't like him for a little while in New Moon, the fool! But all is forgiven. xP <-- Totally.
All. Jake rocks. Of course I was pissed at somethings he did, but give the guy a break! Lol. <-- Yesh!
All of them! She's the best, lol. <-- Is it annoying that I keep agreeing with Jess? xD WELL my answers are gonna be pretty much the same, anyways haha *lazybum*.
If it were possible...who would you most want to meet in person?
...how am I supposed to answer that? xD Ahhh I dunnoooo. Edward? Alice? Jacob? <3!
Posted by Danielle at 7:33 pm 0 comments
The Eye and 10,000 BC.
Yesterday was another lunch date with Mum, Lucy, Sarah Jess and myself at Caff'e Primo. They changed the calamari rings! :c The garlic bread was yummy, though :D. Today Sarah came over (she gave us some movies yesterday 'coz she said she would probably forget to bring them over today xP) and we watched The Eye and 10,000 BC. The Eye was pretty good. I wanted to go to the cinemas to see it, but I'm glad I didn't! I would've been so embarrassing haha. Okay I wouldn't be that bad, but I'd probably be more scared because the music would be LOUD and it'd be dark... yeah haha. 10,000 BC was, at the least, VERY BORING. I'm sorryyy Steven :c. The only reason I wanted to see the movie was because Steven Strait was in it xD. Gahhh I got so bored near the end that I walked out. Glad I didn't go to the cinemas to see that one, either!
Oh, Jess and I bought season 6 of Smallville a while ago. Now we've started watching season 1 again. We're on our way up! Lol. I forgot how much I liked that show hehe.
Ummm what else? Tomorrow I've got my eye appointment thingo. Yay. "Better, worse, or the same? *Flicks to another lense* Better, worse, or the same? *repeat a million times*", "Don't squint!" haha.
Lately I've been looking for more books to read hehe. I've seen people talking about other book series that they like on the Imdb boards, so I thought I'd check some 'em out. These ones sound kind of cool:
Vampire Academy series- Richelle Mead
Vampire Academy
The Mediator series - Meg Cabot
Love You to Death
High Stakes
Mean Spirits
Young Blood
Grave Doubts
Heaven Sent
Blue Bloods series - Melissa de la Cruz
Blue Bloods
Just gotta find 'em now! I'm waiting for the next book in the House Of Night series to come out in Australia, too. Grrr hurry up!
Oh, So You Think You Can Dance is on now!
Posted by Danielle at 7:08 pm 0 comments
Friday, 29 February 2008
I knew I had something in mind when I opened blogger, but I can't remember what it was now. Friggen!
...hmmm. Blah whatever. Prepare for some rambling, I'm kinda bored! xD (Wth, the 'k' button on this keyboard is being a total bum. I have to practically bash it to get it to work. I keep seeing red squiggly lines everywhere! Haha)
Ohhh, oh my gosh. I'm so excited for the Twilight movieee! I've decided I'm not gonna stress too much over the casting and, you know, any deviations from the book. Because I know the movie isn't going to be an exact blueprint of the book, so I'm gonna try to keep the movie separate from the books *nods wisely* lol. I can deal. I'm re-reading Twilight for the third time now. Almost done! ...what? I got bored! Cx
Speaking of the cast, I seriously love who they've cast (and oh my gosh you guys, casted is not a word haha. It makes me giggle. Not laughing at you or anything, though xP) for Emmett, Alice and Carlisle! Oh and Mike, Jessica, Angela, Victoria. So awesome. The others are alright heh :P (besides Edward and Bella, of course! <3).
(Gah! Just noticed that blogger cut out some of my post here! :c I'll try to remember what I was on about. I was on a serious sugar high when I wrote this xD) I've been hanging out at the Imdb Twilight boards a lot lately. And man, how can people be so mean? (not everyone! Most people on there are pretty awesome) It's fair enough if you're like "Robert Pattinson ( he's been cast as Edward, vampire dude in the Twilight movie, FYI lol) isn't what I imagined as Edward" 'coz that's your opinion, right? But some people are like "OMG HE'S SO UGLY! HE'S GONNA RUIN THE MOVIE!!11" or "I WISH HE'D BREAK BOTH HIS LEGS SO THEY CAN CAST SOMEONE ELSE. HE MAKES ME SICK". Like, whoa. If you're gonna express your opinion, at least be civil and mature, people haha. Poor guy. He said in an interview that he's received bags of hate mail. That makes me sad, guys. I mean, really :c. And I don't think he's the only one getting bashed. [/endminirant] Oh wells, whatever. I need to send the guy some love haha. I've never written fan mail though, and I'd feel totally lame xP.
I made my bed today. Isn't that exciting!? I kinda had to, Brandy filled my bed with grass yesterday >:[. Little bitch! Haha. Some bits were still stuck in the sheets last night (that I couldn't dust off in my pissed-off-ness). So yeaaah.
...you guysss (well, whoever reads this lol. Which isss?) I think I might go back to wearing glasses *shudder*. Just in case you don't remember (and I don't mind typing it up. Still bored haha) I stopped wearing glasses 'coz I got this lens (I only needed one 'coz the other just copies what the other sees. Lazy bum) that I wear at night that's supposed to shape my eye... to the correct shape or whatever, so I can see properly. The first one I got was good. But then after a while it didn't really do much, or it over corrected it, 'coz my eye was 'changing'. So I got a new one (by the way I think the lens is about $300, psh! Thank god I only need one, or I'd feel really baaad :\) and that one was good for a while. But then it broke (luckily on the day I had an appointment with the optometrist dude. I know, right!? Lol) so I got another one. Now it doesn't seem to be doing so well (again :c). And I hate how sometimes it feels like my eye's been punched. Like, tenderised haha. Sooo... I know I'll be able to see accurately with glasses, but they get so annoying, man. And they make me feel even more self-conscious. Bah. The whole librarian thing is hot, right? xD Kidding.
Hell! This is kinda long. I'll stop my rambling now. You'd never think I was shy if I was like this in person haha. Shhhh *shifty glances*.
Posted by Danielle at 6:54 pm 2 comments
Sunday, 10 February 2008
Wednesday Jess, Jodie, Jason, Jason's girlfriend Alicia and myself went to the Zoo. I looove going to the Zoo hehe! It was a pretty good day for it, too. Weather wise, I mean hehe.
Sooo... We got a little bit lost on the way haha. What should've taken about what, 20 minutes or something? Took us about uh... an hour haha. I have like, no sense of direction! I don't think anyone of us did, either lol. Jodie had to keep ringing her Mum xD. We should've just followed along Torrens River in the first place! Ahaha. We did on the way back, though. Yay.
So we got the the Zoo around 3pm, so that meant we had about 2 hours to see the animals. We ended up splitting up (myself, Jess and Jodie going one way, Jason and Alicia another) lol. Even though we had to rush around a little bit, it was still fun! We missed a few animals, though :'c. Oh wells! There's always next time hehe.
Mygosh, I totally adore Red Pandas! Augh, they're so darn cute! *squee*. And the monkeys. I love monkeys. African Painted Dogs weren't out again, which sucked. I think I've only seen them running around once :\. Andandand Tree Kangaroos, Bongos, Tigers, Lions, Meerkats, seals, zebras... bah! I love them allll. Jess has some awesome pics on her blog, though! c:
So, yeah! It was an awesome day! I had fun, anways hehe. I can't tell you how much my legs/back/arms/feet were hurting the day after, man! Shows how much of a lazy bum I am and how often I go out xD. Go team!
Posted by Danielle at 11:32 pm 0 comments