Went to the Zoo with Mum, Dad and Jessica on Monday. Yay! It was a pretty good day. I think we got there around 12pm-ish and left around 4pm-ish. So yeah, about 4 hours at the Zoo. Awesome, yes!? Yah! Except for the mounds of people and little annoying children lol. That'll teach us for going on a public holiday! I'm gonna link to Jess's post on her blog because she's got more of a recount and lots'a awesome piccu's! c:
Hmmm. Oh yeah, I picked up my glasses yesterday! They're quite nice xP. It's gonna take me a while to get used to them again. I can see so much better now, though! I'm all "Hey! I can see that person's face over there! :o", "Omg! I can see the top of the trees!" and "I can watch Smallville in the lounge now without having to sit with my face against the screen! Awesome!" xD. They're tinted, too *nodnod*. They're also D&G lol. I took a quick picture (eugh) before going to the shops this afternoon, heh.
Hmmm. Oh yeah, I picked up my glasses yesterday! They're quite nice xP. It's gonna take me a while to get used to them again. I can see so much better now, though! I'm all "Hey! I can see that person's face over there! :o", "Omg! I can see the top of the trees!" and "I can watch Smallville in the lounge now without having to sit with my face against the screen! Awesome!" xD. They're tinted, too *nodnod*. They're also D&G lol. I took a quick picture (eugh) before going to the shops this afternoon, heh.
*Gasps* Maaan, I'm getting even more excited for the Twilight movie! We're getting pictures and set stories from extras and people that are able to visit the set. Everything sounds so awesome so far. Heee! :D I joined a small Twilight Forum, too. The Imdb boards were getting a bit crazy for me! And it's easier to get around and find updates c:. It's much more calmer there, too hehe.
Uhm... what else? *Taps chin* I don't know lol. How boring! xD
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